Senator Moritz Geppert

Everyone is talking about positioning, but only a few have really mastered its laws. Moritz Geppert navigates you to irrefutable positioning and helps you to leverage your company’s potential.

At just under 30 years of age, Geppert is considered the insider’s tip for modern business strategies and is a sought-after specialist in the field of corporate positioning. Moritz Geppert laid the foundation for this through years of close collaboration with the master of the old positioning school, Peter Sawtschenko.

Moritz Geppert is a graduate entrepreneur (B.A.) and was one of the first to enjoy the top-class entrepreneurial education at the only German-speaking chair for entrepreneurship.

In sum, Moritz Geppert has led his companies and investments to success primarily with the help of positioning strategies. Today, as a shareholder and investor of Geppert Holding, he is mainly active in strategic matters and dedicates himself to his heart’s desire, the positioning of companies.

Produced market leaders in more than 30 industries and niches

Companies positioned
Expertise in positioning cases
Industries and markets

Success cases presented in more detail

Positioning has proven itself. Many markets are dominated by companies that have positioned themselves crystal clear. Often with the help of Moritz Geppert and his proven approach of Potential Positioning.

Why choose Moritz Geppert for Potential Positioning?

Successful companies with market leader potential • 26
For market penetration, expanding competitive advantage and finding lucrative market niches

Companies in distress or facing crisis •  19
Emergency and repositioning strategies to secure existence and profitable continuation

Highly paid experts and specialists • 38
When specializing, enforcing higher day rates, increasing added value and expanding expertise

Young, innovative companies and startups • 17
In developing and establishing a profitable business model and scaling up

Companies in competitive industries • 24
In the event of price wars, comparability, strong competition or pressure to innovate

Family offices and investment companies • 3
When considering, developing, scaling and monetizing investments

Any positioning process is subject to a high level of confidentiality. Therefore, only after signing a confidentiality agreement, it is possible to provide details on positioning cases.


Insights into the workshops with Moritz Geppert

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